Woke up this morning to ppl tagging me in Abby Johnson's 10+ min response to an article I wrote in @Cosmopolitan about her "abortion has a smell" claim. I tried to sit through it, I really did, but I made it < a min in for the following reasons (thread). https://www.cosmopolitan.com/politics/a33822996/abortion-smell-rnc-abby-johnson/
1) She begins by hocking her podcast. Because of course she does. Abby Johnson lies about abortion for Abby Johnson. She is invested in manipulating so-called "pro-lifers" for her own personal and financial gain. Full stop.
2) She almost immediately misquotes the article she says she listened to... then, oh no wait, she actually read. Abby, the Maker's Mark was enjoyed on a first date, not an anniversary. And my partner is not my husband. We're not married.
3) Despite her inability to get even the most simple and honestly mundane details of the piece correct, she claims I'm the one who doesn't know what I'm talking about because "we sedated you" during my abortion. This, of course, simply is not true.
Why? Well, first off: "We" didn't do anything during my abortion. Because you weren't there, Abby. You have no knowledge of the details of my seven minute abortion, sweetheart. To pretend or automatically assume you do is just one of many examples of your shamelessness.
More importantly: I was not sedated. I was given a local anesthetic. So I was wide awake and fully aware of every moment of my abortion at seven weeks gestation. I felt the provider numb my cervix. I felt the period-like cramping. And I felt relief that I was no longer pregnant.
Abby Johnson has made a career out of lying about abortion and the people, like me, who have had them. And still, despite her lies, the vast majority of Americans support access to abortion care. 73% of voters in battleground states believe abortion should be legal.
94% of Black voters & 89% of Latinx voters support access to abortion. Even 51% of voters who supported Trump in 2016 say they support access to abortion care. Abby Johnson wants this to be a debate. It lines her pockets. But it isn't.

Abortion is normal. Abortion is freedom.
Abby Johnson: makes wild assumptions and untrue claims about the details of a person's personal reproductive health care.

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