This autumn will be hard in ways we expect and don’t expect. What are you putting in place to protect yourself and your energy so that you will have the energy to support those who need you?
We might see additional science-future-y or cyberpunk-y types of scenarios. Hacker-y attacks on major US corps, the power grid, other major systems. Or maybe not. Either way, we’ll experience continued escalation of the assault on our nervous systems.
I believe in the long run that this sustained attack on our nervous systems will teach us to transcend our reactivity and learn how to choose our responses—moving us together into different and more empowering states of mind. But in the meantime people are being traumatized.
I believe the propagandists and subverters don’t understand human psychology or resilience deeply enough and their end game is all wrong.
Fomenting fear makes populations reactive but it requires ratcheting up the fear over time. There is a point where people fall out of fear-based flow, recognize the pattern of their reactivity and begin to work to respond from their own intention and not reactivity.
The vast majority of people are compassionate when they are not in fear. When you implicitly teach people about their own fear reactions by building an apparatus that overstimulates their fears you may also be building your own demise.
In the meantime we need to help each other survive the onslaught. Please take your self-care and community-care strategies seriously as we head into autumn. Learn your stress responses and what works for you to build your resilience. Ask for help if you need it.
You can follow @briecode.
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