'Legal documents reveal Scottish ministers and the Lord Advocate, the country's top law officer, said it would be inappropriate for Martin Keatings to purse the challenge because he's not an MSP.'

Sooooo much to unpack here... https://twitter.com/paulhutcheon/status/1300722338368032769
First, let's appreciate the absurdity of Scotgov fighting against legal clarity on a non-Sec30 indyref.

And then the added absurdity of excusing this by pointing out the claimant isn't an MSP while none of their MSPs brought forth a constructive legal challenge.
Contrast the HR2021 campaign talk ("Independence is closer than ever!") against what is being said in a legal context ("Independence isn't imminent.").

What IS imminent, though, is the No Deal Brexit @scotgov claimed it wouldn't allow Scotland to be 'dragged out of' the EU by.
While for the longest time the motto was "We can't do anything until the polls are where they need to be, DO NOT CAMPAIGN", the SNPs claim their ingenious 'Do nothing' method is responsible for the steady rise toward a pro-indy majority view across Scotland.
Reasons to not campaign in historical order:

2015 - Too soon after lostref
2016 - Brexit ref
2017 - Terms of Brexit unclear
2018 - As above, but in a louder voice
2019 - Too busy with terms of Brexit scenarios
2020 - Aarrgh Brexit, Arrgh Corona
Of course, in 2021 #Scotland is facing the No Deal Brexit it swore it wouldn't have, the COVID crisis and economically devastating impacts of both as well as a Holyrood election and the legitimate threat to the Scottish parliament's powers.

One wee wisdom in the form of an African proverb that @arcofprosperity shared the other day:

"The sheep will spend its entire life fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd."
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