what are your most ADHD friendly hygiene hacks?

self care is difficult for those of us with poor executive functioning, so it would be great to get a collection if ideas to make it a bit easier! it'll ultimately go in my ADHD hack megathread :)
mine is pretty boring because this is an area i tend to struggle with, but i keep all my deoderant/moisturisers/etc in the same place and right in my eye line when i wake up so I don't have to spend ages looking for them while i'm getting ready
i got a DM asking me to add this one anonymously:

if I can’t get myself to brush my teeth, I’ll wipe my teeth down with a washcloth to wipe some of the plaque off, I feel surprisingly cleaner afterward
here's another anonymous one :)

Taking my clonidine right before I brush my teeth, which associates the taste of toothpaste with the lull of sleep.

I still get a Pavlovian wave of sleepiness whenever I taste anything peppermint-flavored.

I keep my deodorant in the drawer where I keep my bras. Then I can go bra-> deodorant-> shirt and it’s all in one place!

It could also go in the shirt drawer if someone doesn’t wear bras all the time or ever
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