No one was body shaming slim girls beloved. I was highlighting the fact that the body positivity movement is being hijacked by people who are already accepted in society and subsequently pushing out the people it was originally meant for which is fat people.
Like I said, we all deserve to love our bodies and be comfortable in our skin however, it’s not a secrete that slimmer bodies have more privileges than fat bodies. Fatphobia is systemic hence the start of the body positivity movement @NeeloDedication .
@NeeloDedication Lew Louderback kick-started the movement by publishing “More People Should Be Fat.” where he critiqued the way fat people were treated & explained the discrimination that he felt in the workplace and advocated for “big” women to appear in magazines.
Once again, it’s not an attack on anyone’s body type, the same way as BLM isn’t a way of saying that any other life doesn’t matter. I dunno how else to explain it.
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