seventeen in the loonaverse.

—- a thread!
loona 1/3 as the vocal unit

—- combination of 5 guys present on planet earth. These girls portray the most realistic and practical sceneries that can easily be found on the streets or in school.
odd eye circle as the performance unit

—Each member poses one unique eye that glows an upward crescent in their representative color. The members are also each associated with a moon.
hiphop unit as yyxy

— idea of yyxy representing DNA once again inforced by dlrowehtanool and the Eden DNA.
yyxy, 4 guys that are in the garden of eden. One day, mingyu plans to escape the garden of eden.
the loona verse is divided into 3 parts. Eden (yyxy) the between (odd eye circle) and planet earth (1/3).
the first member is born, with a solo vivid. Brings color to the loonaverse. His representative animal is a rabbit.
The second member is born. With the solo around you that talks about spreading colors around the three worlds.
will continue this thread later hehe
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