Important point about how few studies bothered to include autistic females at all, in the earlier days, so much of the foundation of research was never correct. Yet of course, so many current theories base their thinking on that old male-based set of responses.
Good also to hear mention of sleep and PTSD, eating disorders, anxiety and depression, and how these impact on autistic lives. With PTSD in particular, summarising research showing we may be traumatised by a wider set of experiences than was recognised by the diagnostic manuals
Older autistic people given good mention around hospital and care settings, and how little proper thought is given to sensory needs, for example.
And, around the importance of people having good training on autism so they do not misjudge us.
Not sure I can agree with the view that male presentation is generally more noticeable, though. I suspect we diagnose those we notice, which is a different thing...
Doesn't seem very likely that all of those are female, eh?
So, we're still missing huge numbers of men.
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