1/? Lots have people have put forth their ha’penny’s worth on the @theRCN election. You may have noticed i’ve been on Twitter a lot about it too, but haven’t really articulated my reasoning. Many other have and having this morning read @DannGooding’s excellent blog on the matter
2/? I thought I had better stop prevaricating. So. Here goes. I’ve been a member of the college since I was a student. Not a very active member, in that I haven’t run for office, but I have attended events and, wherever possible, supported my Rep colleagues in there activities
3/? Also, I vote. Always. I vote because then I cannot complain that the college is doing something I don’t like because the people making the decision were out there by me, and my vote. The world is rosy. Cue the elections. The world is not rosy.
4/? As a member led organisation with an elected council to hold the executive to account I am flabbergasted to hear that decisions were made that council had no knowledge of. I am appalled to be told that council have no control over these issues due to “process”
5/? I am amazed that no one has had the common sense to put the brakes on this obviously escaping jugganaught (?spelling) for the good of all. Finally I am DISGUSTED that a #memberled organisation (see recent @theRCN comms on other matters) has seen fit to publish the most
6(already?!)/? Ridiculous set of FAQs which share no information with the members which respond to the key fundamental questions we need to know: WHAT?, WHY? And HOW? The detail is to me, somewhat secondary to the process. The NMC code requires nurses to reflect
Last one! Upon their practice and to learn from their, and other’s, past experiences. Is it unreasonable for us to expect our college to do the same. The evidence of such is, for me, lacking.
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