dear anyone reading this,
hi. im a firm believer of Christianity. I believe in Gods promise of grace. However im seeing a lot of Christians who support what Kyle Rittenhouse did. i dont believe this is an accurate depiction of Christianity and heres why. hear me out please:
1) the NUMBER ONE commandment we are taught to follow is to love each other without judgement no matter what. this is literally Gods word. Christians are supposed to share Gods love, but nowadays a lot of people only share their own version of His word to fit their own agenda.
2) we arent given an exact reason for why God allows bad things to happen to good people. bad things still happen, but we as a people must do better about fighting to keep the good things alive and we must hold each other accountable in such a hate and evil filled world.
3) if you are a Christian and you want to justify any kind of murder or injustice, please remember that is not Gods teaching. murder and this kind of judgement are equivalent to playing God, and nowhere in the Bible does it state that is ok.
4) CHRISTIANITY SHOULD NOT BE USED TO FIT AN AGENDA. i will say it again. Gods love is a powerful force and for his followers to manipulate it to fit our own conveniences is 100% wrong. religion was never meant to mingle wirh politics. period.
5) human life is of high value in the eyes of God and the fact that “Christians” try to justify the actions of those who murder not one but multiple lives intentionally is not ok. murder is not justifiable unless it is a true act of self defense. who are we to try to play God?
6) DO NOT USE GOD AS AN EXCUSE. Christianity is supposed to be love filled yet it has been corrupted to fit a hateful narrative. the fact that people can use the words and actions of Christians to go against Christianity itself is sickening and shows we need to do better.
7) someones past mistakes do not make them any less of a human being. we cannot make the judgement call that someone deserved to die because they had a past. we all have pasts. dont use anothers pain against his or her chance at redemption. once again playing God is never ok.
8) the media has used these recent events to add even more of a negative connotation to being Christian. i am so sorry Christianity has been warped to fit such hate. we as Christians need to do better at showing the truth of Gods love without shoving it down peoples throats.
i want to end this by saying im not perfect, no one is, and i have judged my fair share of people in life. however we are not called to judge. our purpose is to uphold love and peace. please reflect on what you believe as opposed to God’s teachings without adding your own bias.
we must hold each other accountable, Christian or not, to do better about bringing love and peace back to our world. change the narrative. we need it now more than ever. if you have any questions, feel free to respond to this thread. and please be respectful when replying.
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