one idiot replied all on a mail thread and now 173 idiots are *replying all* saying remove me please take me off the thread please.
finally an intelligent person. OR IS HE?
I will find you, Richard. I swear I will. And it won’t be pleasant 😐
First response from India. Of course we’re showing off our superior intelligence and environmental concern while still doing the exact same thing the other idiots are doing, aren’t we?
I wonder why you didn’t just wonder this IN YOUR MIND SARAH
i can 200% confirm ITS JUST YOU PETER now stop
This one’s in a sad little fridge in the uk i suggest you quickly STOP REPLYING ALL and run to your local bakery
ok i’m done here
Two hours later, things are getting better. Common sense has prevailed. LOL NO.
They’ve started to apologise for spamming, while still spamming. 🤧
Update ✨

An extremely pissed off Pam sent a three paragraph response detailing why nobody can be removed from this reply-all situation, ending it with shouty caps + underlining. Have to agree it was idiot proof.
*suspenseful music*
sorry Pam my heart goes out to you, you didn’t deserve this 😔
We’ve now progressed from ‘please remove me’ to ‘how can i remove myself’ so guessing we’ll attain enlightenment in a couple of days 🤞🏽
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