I'm tweeting while upset. Please don't take any of my tweets as a personal attack. I'm upset at a bigger issue than any individual person. I will be deleting this thread after I calm down and take a break.
I feel like every time I go on Twitter I have a different take then what's happening on the timeline and it makes me question why do I bother to use this account when all it does is frustrate me and all the issues get blown over as drama until the exact same issues happens again.
Even though I know better than to blame anyone for this it still frustrates me because in real life, having tolerance for other people's ideas is such a necessity because there is no such thing as a block button. You have to deal with a wide variety of people every single day.
You would never harass someone for having a different opinion than you in real life. Sometimes the very people you live with will have opinions that you hate. It never works to tell someone they're wrong and to f*ck off. Why? Because most people aren't bad people.
The environment they lived in is different. The culture that they grew up is different. Even just people's experiences in life are different. No one likes to be the bad person. By telling someone that they're wrong and then harassing them, to them, you are the bad guy, not them.
I'm so upset. Like, why do I even bother putting together and explaining my thoughts on something when people just go *blocked/muted* or after an hour later and the problem dies and they just finish harassing someone, just go ugh, drama.
I can't help but think is this worth it? Is it worth spending so much time on here to talk about things that I think is important to the community for it to amount to nothing? Is it worth spending so much time organizing my thoughts so that I don't immediately just get cancelled?
Is it worth trying so hard to take in everyone's perspectives when it's just easier to say I hate this person and leave it at that?

I know that it's no one's fault.That anonymity makes people more aggressive. That the internet isn't suited towards building relationships.
That teenager brains are fundamentally different from adults. That it's hard to accept fault in someone that you care deeply about. I know all that. That I've learned about it and have researched but man, I'm still upset and I know it's okay to be upset about things I care about.
I don't know. It's just like. Is it just better for me to pretend I don't see anything on the timeline when something controversial happens?
To just wait until it's calm again and not voice any opinions?
To just stick to complimenting people because I want to and it's easier?
I'm just. Sad. And upset about something that I know I can't just fix with a snap of my fingers. I'm gonna watch a movie. And then delete this thread tomorrow. And then probably barely use this account. Because I don't think I'm suited for this type of environment. Oh lmao.
I'm barely 19 and yet I feel so old and so disconnected. I can't help but appreciate that I'm a tiny account. Because no one will see this tweet and just go oh look, I'm going to make this a copypasta because I think it's funny. Haha, you're dumb for putting your feelings online.
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