Pro-shipper hypocrisy is almost as annoying to me as anti's.
Pro-shippers: they support your right to write fanfic of 12 year old Harry Potter getting plowed in the ass by Hagrid, so long as you're not imagining Daniel Radcliffe as you write it.
Thought police vs. thought police.
Pro shippers: "fiction =/= reality, unless it's too creepy even for me!"
Pro shippers: "I think it's possible to enjoy dark/problematic works while understanding it would be wrong in reality, unlike NOMAPs, who think it's possible to enjoy dark/problematic works while understanding it would be wrong in reality but in, like, a different way??"
btw can we all call a conclave on neutral ground or something to address some of the terminology issues that have sprung up? Because an anti-shipper is opposed to anti-c's, who are opposed to pro-c's, who are opposed by pro-shippers, who are opposed to anti-shippers.
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