tw: lying, exploitation, using fear (death etc)

hi everyone! i’m not trying to be this person but please be CAREFUL on who you let in energy wise. there’s been a lot of “hype” around spirituality and i just want to share y’all my experience two years ago.
i finally gathered the courage to share this after a while so please understand i DID NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT spirituality so i rly just let shit happen and i was in a really TOXIC relationship. i just wanted to educate everyone on who to trust with readings!! and in general!
so back in oct-nov 2018 i was starting my business and a girl dmed me about my availability, no harm, right? also at the time i was v skeptical with spirituality etc etc i DID NOT WANT TO PARTAKE IN THIS BUT SHE WAS VERY INSISTENT and i felt like i had to say yes to everything.

so jumping back to the toxic relationship part that i’ve mentioned above, me & my ex were broken up at the time and the psychic on these pictures told me that if my ex went to california that he would die.
that trigged my anxiety really bad because i do not want anyone to die especially if i know about it. i would do anything in my power to prevent that. i really really wanted out of that relationship.
like this relationship was so bad. i could not get out of it. it was having the suicide card being constantly head over my head if i left and it was so fucking difficult as i was not in the best mental state either.
fast forward to 2019 one of my close friends come to me & she basically tells me she needs a job. i have been in constant contact with this “psychic” as she kept reading me w/o my consent so she knows my friends and all that.
and then she offered my friend a modeling job and asked for suggestive photos of her. and my friend sent them to her.

you know what the crazy part is?

that night i found my ex’s phone logged in to the psychic’s instagram account.
so... yeah. every time i ask my friends who practice spirituality think that this was my ex pretending to be her. i’m still shook telling y’all this because if this was true... we can’t trust nobody fr.
i left for the army around may 2019 and i came back dec 2019. this is what i came home to. i basically posted all this on my snapchat and i had the psychic added there because like i said. i trusted her. she told me to delete for defamation and my dumbass did.

the murder thing really got into my head so i believed everything she said but come to realize the things she talks about are things i talked about with my ex.
end of thread! i do not wish bad upon my ex so please do not send him hate. i hope y’all can be more careful with who y’all trust because i ended up hurting my best friend (the girl who sent him nudes through the “psychic) because she did not have to go through that.
and i wasnt even able to do anything about it because i was so wrapped up with the idea that that psychic was real. i never really had a parent figure guide me so i was very vulnerable. so please please be careful with who you trust.
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