something all reveluvs should read; a thread
Please do not misinterpret anything I say as hate towards Red Velvet and its members. THIS IS NOT A HATE THREAD.
This is my experience in the fandom as Reveluv, and quite frankly I don’t care what you have to say, hate me all you want but this is a hard-to-swallow-pill all Reveluvs need to listen to.
Is it not embarrassing? To be extremely lacking in everything fandom-wise? Is that how we’re supposed to support Red Velvet? Do the bare minimum?
This stigma/stereotype of Reveluvs being lazy is incredibly frustrating. And it is incredibly infuriating to see Reveluvs give into/accept this stigma.
Are we never gonna change? Are we going to hide behind excuses to ignore our awfully incompetent fandom power?
“SM Channel is cursed, that’s why our views are low.” Where were you when Naughty dropped?
“We’re not going to win against the bigger fandoms.” Is that an excuse to not vote at all? To give up? This mindset is harmful. So many of you have this mindset to the point where we are beginning to lose to mid-tiers.
“If they had better promotions, maybe we’d do better.” Monster has been the MOST promoted era to date. We literally got 30~ new videos this era on RV’s youtube channel, HALF of Red Velvet’s total videos in 6 YEARS. SIX YEARS. SIX.
I will never forgive you all for giving Monster era only ONE win. Months of effort and practicing tutting for Reveluvs to not reciprocate the same effort Seulrene gave us. I don’t even want to imagine how sad they felt.
CHOEAEDOL/SOBA- where were you all? We were consistently losing to mid-tiers. Did you all disappear after Seulrene’s debut? Could you not do something as simple as watching ads and voting for 40 days?
There are RV voting/support accounts who put a ton of effort into their work, only to be ignored by the majority of Reveluvs. And why is it that big RV accounts don’t take any initiative to help with voting and spreading awareness? Not even a RT?
Even our YT goals and Spotify goals, we ALWAYS fall short. We couldn’t even hit our goal of 3M for Milky Way in 24 hours? The first song we have as OT5 this year?
There is no communication or a sense of unity within this fandom. From RV accs with huge platforms, to K-Luvies, and more. We are not united when it comes to voting in the SLIGHTEST.
I know a lot of Reveluvs take pride in Red Velvet’s achievements, and rightfully so, but how many of them are fandom-driven?
I know critical acclaim and recognition from industry experts and respected people is huge, but what does this do for Red Velvet in technical terms? For Reveluvs? Other than just some message that’ll be forgotten in a week?
I know a lot of Reveluvs are plenty satisfied and take pride in some random critic praising Red Velvet whilst doing the bare minimum as a fan. When are we, as a fandom, going to achieve something for them?
When are we going to achieve a notable achievement that is the product of the raw effort of Reveluvs alone?
I hate when Reveluvs initiate fanwars. How are we supposed to defend Red Velvet? With some random critics praise? Our streaming and voting power is incredibly weak. Why are you setting them up to get dragged?
Please don’t even start on the OBVIOUS bias within this fandom. Most of you claim to be “OT5” but where is your energy for Yeri? Yerihanbang? Her releases/collabs? That’s just one example.
So many Reveluvs don’t do anything to help vote/stream, and when Red Velvet lose, you act surprised and complain. Like I know you’re sad, but did you vote??? VMAs was a perfect example of this.
I would continue, but otherwise, this thread would be hundreds of messages long.
This is not a pity thread. I’m not looking for some online karma/likes. What I hope you take from this thread is to TAKE INITIATIVE. Red Velvet is in the 6th year of their career. Please try your best for them.
End of thread.
I’d like to clarify this: I am not asking you to throw away your well deserved time and life for Red Velvet. After all, to do so would be incredibly selfish of me. I know not everyone has the time for this.
I am only asking each and every Reveluv to work a little harder. I hope we as a fandom could be united one day. Our fandom is split by language barriers, toxic fandom culture and more.
I just want the best for Red Velvet. We cannot give back the time and effort Red Velvet has given us, and it’s incredibly saddening. Hopefully, we’ll do better in the future.
This is everyone’s burden to bear, so please don’t be obliged to take it for others. This is EVERYONE’S problem, and it will not be solved unless EVERYONE works together.
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