I'm feeling much better now :)
I don't know why, I never saw this before. It's Anthony Daly's declaration that everything in his book is true, to the best of his knowledge (about what 'true' means to him).
It's got this chart thingy...an easy guide for IICSA >
to find the THIRTY-SEVEN most important secrets, unknown truths or unique insights in his book, spanning multiple topic threads, that IICSA will surely want to question him about...allowing him to pontificate about them in great detail no doubt! But...>
But Daly's application for Core Participant was rejected! Twice! He hasn't been, and won't be, illuminating the world live in IICSA hearings, about all the things that he and only he can 'prove'.
How terribly unfair! After all the work he went to, constructing a summer's >
> worth of life history, that just coincidentally includes a 'hit' on every probable Inquiry subject he could possibly pack into it...ensuring the IICSA would be a one-man show - a Tony Daly show - and he doesn't get to beak off at the hearings! Has to rub like sand in his soul!
I can't stop him perverting historic reality, but there is some kind of justice.
This thread here...
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