1/? Most people don’t know the dude Monica and Brandy argued over eventually broke up with both of them

Shortly after the breakup, she hired a young woman named Mary as his personal assistant but they had an affair.

She was his lover and his seckerturr...

She did not cry, tho
Mary broke up with him when he kept calling her to pick him up because he always got lost. Even GPSs wouldn’t help.

It turned out that he was secretly chasing waterfalls, refusing to stick to the rivers and the lakes he was used to.
After she kicked him to the curb, he found another woman who thought he was a cardiologist.

She unfortunately discovered the truth too late when, during a medical emergency, he revealed that he couldn’t unbreak her hear, and she could never breathe again
His next girlfriend simply asked him to love her, body and soul. For a while, he brought her joy but she realized she was just caught up in the rapture of love
He called his next girlfriend Miss Jackson (only when he was nasty) but she fell out with him when she asked him what had he done for her lately. She wasn’t devastated, it was alright with her.

That’s the way love goes.
All his next boo wanted to do was dance with somebody who loved her.

She thought she had the greatest love of all but finally realized that she had nothing, nothing....
Then he met a woman who was in a complex situation. When she hurt her back carrying all them bags like that, He had to call Tyrone to help him get his shit.
Unbelievably, he found another girl who thought a rude boy could get it up.

Buy you know how rude boys are. Even though she shined bright like a diamond, he wouldn’t even let her use his umbrella, ella ella
He finally settled down with some girl who made him get in formation.m because he was crazy in love.

He liked her so he figured he better put a ring on it.
I guess he’s settled down. I think he’s working with the fire department or something because last time I saw him he said he had to rescue a drowning kitten.

Yeah he said he something about a WAP and some hose in a house.

Thank god for growth
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