"Best sangat ke Mimpimika ni"

And yes! Mimpimika ni one of local brand yang i try and works well on my skin🥺

My skin type: Normal to dry
My skin concern: Dull skin,uneven skin tone and having a lot of sebaceous filaments
Salicylic Acid Cleanser Mimpimika✨
Before this i tak tahu pun yang local brand pun ada cleanser SA ni 🥺

I cari cleanser yang ada SA since i tak pernah add any acid in my routine so macam takut gitu. So kalau cleanser ni dia tak duduk lama on your skin and i
baca banyak feedback yang bagitahu this cleanser memang superb!

And yes after 2weeks camtu my skin improved a lot. You know kan kalau your skin clogged pores ni la penyebab utama sebaceous filaments ni. And time tu i terkejut sebab area hidung memang totally clear 😭
Sekarang dah nak habis dah my first bottle Cleanser mimpimika ni😋
Super boost serum✨
Main ingredient dia arbutin and ada hyaluronic acid!

And yes,my skin kusam gila tau idk mungkin sebab malas exfoliate pastu skip skincare routine 😆

I love this serum since fast absorb and tak melekit at all. And guess what this serum memang buat your skin
jadi glow gila. ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻
Hydro brightening skin✨

My current fav hydrating toner 😋 Dulu selalu tengok kak atul buat 7layer toner ni pastu i pun ikut buat 7layer and serious your skin jadi super duper plump tau. And acne cepat gila kecut since dalam ni ada tea tree 🤩
Check out [FREEGIFT WARM BAG] HYDRO BRIGHTENING SKIN MIMPIMIKA for RM75.00. Get it on Shopee now! https://shopee.com.my/product/46916403/6039531783?smtt=0.0.6 #ShopeeMY
My current skin😭 https://twitter.com/yourfavskincare/status/1300085269480108033?s=19
Another feedback ✨
Fresh feedback from our beloved customer ❤️
my lovely cust ❤️
My heart 🥺❤️
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