So the LASD shot and killed a 23 year old man tonight. They stated the reason they originally stopped him was for....please wait for....Code Violation on his Bicycle......
I’m unsure of the rest of the details and honestly I don’t give a flying fuck. A young life was taken because of his Bicycle. I’m already mentally preparing myself for the smear campaign they’re going to run on this young man to justify his death, but I’m honestly so tired.
Also I stand corrected in that he was *33. Still too fucking young. Still too fucking sad. Fuck the Police forever. I hope they all Burn.
Okay I’m muting this. RIP Dijon Kizzee. Prayers, Love, and Strength to his family. Please always love yours because they are actively killing us on the streets everyday and don’t reply to bootlickers in this thread because that’s what they want. #DefundLASD
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