Dear people with their "people still support Shane" bs yes I do here is why:

People who use unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with trauma are NOT bad people. They're doing what they need to do to survive the day. I've used humor & other unhealthy coping mechanisms. (1/9)
You clearly don't care about sa survivors when you're blatantly bullying one. You're causing victims to feel shame making it harder for them to get help. Not to mention worsening a trauma by constantly triggering someone by using the p word. (2/9)
Supporting Shane doesn't mean I'm invalidating you if you felt hurt by his inappropriate jokes. He's made jokes that have seriously hurt me. I know he regrets those jokes. I know he wouldn't have ever made them if he knew how badly they would hurt people. (3/9)
He never did anything with malicious intent. He isn't that scared insecure person going for shock value & joking about his traumas to make them less painful anymore. He has matured.
He has changed. (4/9)
Shane has done so much for so many people. He is the first person to help anybody who needs it. His actions now show he is a good person with an amazing heart. He made mistakes. We all make mistakes. We all learn & evolve. He shows us our mistakes don't define us. (5/9)
Realizing who you do and don't want to be is an important part of growing up. If you have to go years back to find something it shows the person has changed. (6/9)
I support the person who makes me feel less alone. I suppprt the person who helped me stop feeling ashamed of my BDD/ED. I support the person whose books saved my life. I support the person who made me realize I needed to go into treatment for my eating disorder. (7/9)
I support the person who showed me it's okay to ask for help. I support the person whose words help me everyday in my recovery. I support the person who helps me keep fighting when life gets tough. I support the person whose videos & music help me through my panic attacks. (8/9)
I support the person who makes me laugh when I need it most. I support soneone who would do anything to make someone's day better. I support someone with the kindest heart. I support Shane Lee Yaw. #istandwithshane (9/ 9)
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