IMO if apex wants to succeed they need to focus on the competitive/ranked scene and try to ease new players into wanting to play competitively instead of hoping that casual players will continue to play, because in the long term they won't. New people are ...
constantly coming and going to whatever br or fps they like but the reason competitive games stay relevant is because they keep people wanting to play. Hoping that people will want to keep playing because of a new season will not last very long. They need to want to get better.
The people that say "X game died because people got to good" weren't going to keep playing unless they wanted to get better themselves which means they aren't your target as they probably swap between tons of different games (which is totally fine) but apex (and any BR) will
never be what they were at launch.
Maybe they are going for the fortnite approach because that game is massively successful and does a good job at supporting casuals but if you look at all that fortnite has at it's disposal with insane server customization and private lobbies apex has no chance at mimicing that.
To many brs/fps titles are going to come out and if apex doesn't do a better job at introducing casuals into becoming interested in competing (whether it's serious ranked grind or competitive scrims/tourneys) they will all leave eventually.
If you look at every BR in the past that has failed or nearly failed it's the same. They can never maintain the hype and people become uninterested and wait for something new.
If anyone disagrees with ANYTHING in this thread im glad to discuss!
You can follow @peesh.
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