I ordered a pizza and I'm putting on the great mouse detective and I am going to have a lovely evening, dammit
Bruce Wayne is scared of bats because he watched The Great Mouse Detective as a child
This.... would actually make a lot of sense for him.
Vincent Price's agent did not fuck around on getting that top billing, huh
uhhh what was going on in Mouse Colonialism that the 2nd Anglo-Afghan War never stopped?
[Kate Beaton nemesis comic here]
Love this cat! Absolute unit!
Forget the deerstalker, as far as I'm concerned these are the most iconic Holmes and Watson looks
Fully obsessed with Basil picking out a croptop for Dawson and being like "put this on for crime-solving reasons probably"
Mentally I am here
The Great House Detective understands the Holmes/Watson dynamic on a much deeper level than other adaptations
The Great Mouse Detective is the only film brave enough to asks the question "how many sexy cabaret numbers should you put in a children's movie about mice?"
So grateful Disney greenlit this movie about gay mouse drama. The vision this took!
Ratigan recorded a vinyl track to play while killing his nemesis! You do not get villains like this anymore
Look, it's simple: If a movie doesn't have a fight in a clock tower? It's not cinema.
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