New thread consolidating all the “only 6%” takes inspired by this misinformation, introduced to Twitter by a QAnon follower 2 days ago. I’m creating this thread because there are *so many* 6% takes, and I don’t want them to overwhelm all other content.
This earlier thread explains why it’s wrong. Basically: CDC changed nothing, deaths are much higher than normal, and most common conditions are pneumonia and respiratory failure—caused by COVID! Lots o’ folks have hypertension, diabetes & are obese too.
I don’t remember another single lie spreading this fast before. Undoubtedly it was helped by Donald Trump’s retweet. (Both the original and therefore this retweet were removed by Twitter yesterday.)
Besides Trump, lots of other well-known blue checkmark accounts spread the original tweet, headlined by Dinesh D’Souza…
And the idea was spread by athletes-turned pundits…
Bad actors…
And other political hacks.
This thread will log all examples of this stupid phenomenon.
First up, did I say Twitter deleted the tweet Trump retweeted? Well, turns out that when a blue checkmark tweets the same nonsense published by another blue checkmark (gatewatpundit), Twitter won’t touch it.
You can follow @BadCOVID19Takes.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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