Once again, Oath Keepers are swooning over the possibility of a second Civil War. Here they are threatening to "suppress" the nationwide "Marxist insurrection" if Trump refuses to do it himself.

If you're tempted to believe the Oath Keepers are just mouthing off, don't be. 1/ https://twitter.com/JoshuaPotash/status/1300181106046664704
There's good reason for the Oath Keepers to believe they have Trump's ear. Just last year, Trump had the Oath Keepers running security at his rally in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. 2/
Believe or not, the Oath Keepers were not just "playing at" security. Secret Service was working side-by-side with the Oath Keepers throughout the day. Protesters who assembled found themselves facing down the police, the secret service, and a private militia. 3/
Here in New Mexico, we got an early glimpse of the U.S. militia movement that is currently erupting into the streets across the country. These guys want a Civil War, and they are threatening to start one--with or without Trump's blessing. Take it seriously. 4/
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