Posie Parker, the blonde on the right, speaks frequently with racists and white ethnonationalists.

This was INTENTIONAL. Key to white, right-wing feminism is the implication that Black people are dangerous to white women. https://twitter.com/cocoabsss/status/1300420441115426816?s=19
Oh I should clarify that Posie Parker is a vehement anti-trans feminist.

For her to disrupt a rally for Black lives with bullshit about transphobia? Sorta reveals who these folks see as women. And who those women should be protected from.
I've written about the racism of anti-trans feminism before.

Anti-trans feminists frequently invoke anti-semitism tropes about child recruitment. They speciously accuse trans women of "female black face" a phrase that completely erases Black trans women AND BLACK CIS WOMEN.
Anti-trans feminists who consort with Posie Parker stand in full support of the Alliance Defending Freedom's suit against the state of Connecticut, because a cis white girl lost a few races to a black trans girl.

None of this is accidental.
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