I'm currently watching back a livestream by @JimSterling – which I thoroughly recommend by the way: both streamer and chat are utterly awesome – and the topic in the chat is HRT and non-binary people. It's made me reflective, hence this thread.

I'm a binary trans woman, and that's reflected in what I think and what I say. When I write about trans issues, you can see that the perspective is binary, and that's mostly because that's what I know.

While there are many struggles common to all trans people, there are many that are peculiar to non-binary people. Since I am not non-binary, I don't share those latter struggles, and am not the person to be talking about them anyway.

Another thing is that when you engage with the shit of transphobia, you get dragged into that shit, and you might end up, as I have, setting into subtly transphobic ideas and attitudes in an effort to attack the more blatant ones.

None of that means that non-binary issues shouldn't be talked about, or that indulging in accidental transphobia is okay, and this thread is a part of my correcting my failings in both areas.

One point I like to make, which I should avoid making, is that all people seeking HRT are certain that they want it. In most cases of binary trans people, I imagine this is true.

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