So recently I heard about Mulan being released soon and after watching some clips I had a feeling that it won't be very good, here's a thread of why just for fun:
The director is a white woman, it would've been nice to see an Asian women take the reins
The screenwriters are not Asian, is the word "Honor" a buzzword for them or smth? Cause it's hitting me on the head and I'm cringing from the trailer
The director said they went with a realistic route so they got rid of Mushu but I see people flying and turning into birds? See this is why they should've had an Asian director, there's literally a genre of film in China that's fantasy/martial arts/ancient culture that's very-
Popular amongst young people and would've been perfect for Mulan, people could have a Mushu, u just gotta do it right, and even the songs, there's a way to keep them, ancient China had a lot of "poem songs" or ballads, the story of Hua Mulan was originally a ballad!!!
Disney could've took a risk with someone who has expertise in Chinese culture and who is familiar with western audiences (like u know, Asian American directors would've been a good bet) and for all u know, u could've introduced a new style of movie musical that combines the-
Ancient Chinese poetry styles of storytelling. Maybe musicals don't always have to take away from reality and romanticize things. Maybe they can tell folktales and stories very effectively. But your director is white and the situation isn't really set up well for them to take-
Creative risks.
Back to the screenwriters being white, language is how we conceptualize the world, but it's pretty obvious to me that the movie with made with a western consciousness trying to emulate ancient Chinese culture of han and tang dynasties, what a headache
The simple solution: hire Asian screenwriters
Also why is Disney trying to make a "realistic" Mulan movie? There's already that 2009 one that's made in China, subtitles are a thing u know
Also the director calling Liu Yifei a great actor and a martial artists with her whole chest 😂😂 listen, I won't come for her acting but last time I heard, the only martial arts she ever did was movie stunts
Don't act like she's was the only Chinese actress who could've played Mulan, just because she was in that other whitewashed Hollywood martial arts movie that we pretend doesn't exist? Bruh
Anyways the queer community were upset about the removal of Li Shang and I'm just saying they could've kept him. The cross-dressing, queer genre of stories have a underground type of following in China. I'm just saying they could've found a way
But of course, no one wants to take risks cause they so afraid to get cancelled. But it's just like don't do something cancel worthy and then u won't be afraid
Like literally hire an Asian American director and screenwriter and maybe work with an Asian production company as a cherry on top and then maybe y'all won't be so afraid to take creative risks, maybe then y'all would be so afraid to get cancelled
And lastly, it would've been cool to mix traditional Chinese instruments into the iconic soundtrack
But thank you Disney for casting Asians, this has the most recent win since the farewell, crazy rich Asians, and avatar the last air bender
I just wish that in additon to to working with Chinese actors who specialize in the martial arts genre that western audiences are already familiar with, they could've casted a Chinese American up and coming actress for Mulan, that would've been cool
Anytime I mentioned Asian in this thread, I mean more specifically Chinese, my bad for overgeneralizing
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