Still stalking me. Give it a rest would you. Go live your life. You don’t need to continue with your comments. Be an adult and move the fuck on already!! Seriously. I don’t talk about you. I’m doing just fine without you. No need to make up lies to gain clout. You can have it.
Leave me alone already. You’ve made it clear and I have as well. Yet I say nothing. I’ve asked you so many times before to leave me be. Yet you continue. Why? You don’t think people are telling me what your saying? Full stop and move on, get another friend.
I’ve been done since Nov19’. I can’t understand why you can’t just leave it be and stop being so bitter.

I am not a racists no matter what you read or saw. My reviews dating back 13 years prove I see men of color and flavor. Just because my political views are different from
Yours doesn’t mean you can be relentless and continue to mock, bash, and make up lies.
Go on with your life, like I have. I’m sorry I couldn’t be your friend. I can’t live like you do. That’s not who I am.
Please leave my family alone. Threats you giving will only harm us both. Just be an adult and move on. It’s better to be positive then bitter and http://jealous.You  can’t make up some narrative.
This is what happens when you befriend someone for over 10 . Help her get into it. I tried to help her I try to rescue her for years. I gave up. I moved on. Why can’t she? Is this the reaction you want? Would you like for me to share our live we shared with others.
I don’t miss and tell. I don’t make up narratives to make you look bad to others. I just don’t. I’m leaving this chapter in August for good.
Please move in and be happy. You know that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you. Please, its been 9 months.

I’m quite frankly embarrassed. But I have to put this out there to set the record straight.

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