I'm angry, I'm lonely, I miss my kid every day. If things don't go right, and there's a huge possibility they won't, my kid will be persecuted, hunted by extremists, shunned in society, suicidal. I feel surrounded by "friends" who are like German citizens who turned a blind eye.
It's depressing to be here. Not because of what Trump, his cronies & minions do but because of those who only on occasion offer weak opinions that don't mean squat (especially to the vindictive right) or carry on with self-importance & privilege, narcissistic posts helping no one
I understand ONE being careful, what happened before, but I'm looking at you & you! I can't see my kid. I'm immunosuppressed, fighting a disease w/o proper care. I can only encourage others to inform daily about Trump's regime. Suicidal Tendencies - Lovely
I implore you to read this thread. I failed as a communicator. I can't reach enough of you with the info I've gathered & shared here; likes/replies too. Our lives are at stake in several different ways. #DarkShadows #TrumpIsUnwell #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica
You can follow @TuCroisSavoir.
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