DO NOT RETWEET any tweet claiming Trump had a "stroke" or "cerebral event" in November 2019. There are no reliable reports that use this terminology or make this claim. I'm seeing some on the left spreading this as "news" with no evidence at all. We can't become like them, folks.
PS/ All we know from Schmidt's book—and the event doesn't seem to have been focused on much, there—is that the White House was sufficiently concerned about whatever was going on with Trump in November 2019 that they asked Pence to be on "standby" in case Trump was "anesthetized."
PS2/ This *does* mean the statements from the White House put out to U.S. voters at the time—statements by Trump, his press secretary, his doctors, and senior White House officials—were lies intended to hide from voters Trump's medical condition. We don't know what the issue was.
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