Okay so apparently I've never told the story of the Two Planes That Tried to Land on Me to @thattinywebsite so now you all get to hear it!

Buckle in, kiddos!
First, let's start with a quick aeronautics lesson: Small private planes do not fly well over certain kinds of mountainous/canyon regions--the air pressure changes cause them to drastically lose altitude, often resulting in crashes.

When I was 13, we were up on the mountain hanging out, parked at the base of a big trail. My mom's husband was outside the truck. There was a LOUD "roar" and he looked up, yelled "OH MY GOD!"
I, confused, looked around but only heard a loud CRASH behind us.

My mom saw what she believed to be a truck skid off the road and into a local's yard (It was lower than the road, probably by 10').

She called 911 and I got out and ran over to see what was going on.
Surprise! It was not a truck, it was a plane.

I ran back to my mom to tell her that it was, in fact, a plane crash.

The "OH MY GOD!" was because mom's hubs had seen the plane pass FEET over our truck and crash right behind the bed, skidding off the road.
It basically missed us by less than ten feet and in an alternate timeline I died at age 13 when a plane crashed into the roof of the car I was sitting in.
(The lady flying it--solo trip--was okay! She hit her head but paramedics got to her and said she'd be just fine after some rest and recovery.)
The second story is....bleaker.

But @Ziporakat was there!

So fast-forward, I'm 19 and we actually LIVE on this mountain now, and @Ziporakat was visiting for a couple weeks.
We're bleaching her hair, as ya do, when mom's husband--who was a volunteer firefighter while we lived up there--rushes inside from some yard work to get ready for a call.

Only the call hadn't come through yet.

But he was outside and saw this plane barely clear our house.
Because of our last Plane Incident, he knew it was crashing--this time it passed probably 30' over our house, but think for a second about an out-of-control plane passing within 30' of your house.

It's scary.

The plane crashed and, unfortunately, started a huge fire.
The evacuation order went out so here's @Ziporakat with a head full of bleach that's supposed to sit and we have to leave NOW

So we stick her head in the tub, rinse it as best as we can, throw our valuables into bags, and bail

At this point I'm afraid our house might burn down
My siblings were toddlers, btw, so we were doing all this with a 4 and 2 year-old in tow.

We go to my grandparent's house and turn on the news.

Our house doesn't burn down, but others' do, and many more come VERY close.
And, tragically, everyone aboard the plane died.

Two couples, actually--friends, on vacation together.

I found out later they had 7 kids under 8 between the two couples.

I still think about those kids a lot.
So...don't fly small personal planes over mountains as a shortcut, folks! It does not go well.

And that's how two separate planes came frighteningly close to landing on me in the span of a few years!
Although I will add that @Ziporakat's hair was a delightful shade of firey orange after haphazardly removing the bleach, and her mom was mad at me because it was definitely my fault there was a life-threatening emergency during our hair escapades.

We thought it looked cool tho.
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