why do inclus think you can be more than one gender at once?
why do inclus think your special interest can be your gender?
why do inclus think there’s more than 2 genders?
why do inclus think gender roles = gender identity?
why do inclus think being inclusive is always better?
why do inclus call themselves inclusionists when they still exclude people and harm others?
why do inclus think you can / it’s ok to self dx with nd disorders? (bonus points if they call you classist)
why are inclus obsessed with slurs? (slur usernames, slurs in bio, slur pronouns, etc)
why do inclus?
this thread isn’t intended to be rude, offensive, or anything similar. these are genuine thoughts and/or questions. if you’re an inclu, feel free to qrt or reply w answers to lmk your side and how you see things, and i can do the same w neutral/exclu beliefs if you’re interested!
You can follow @EXCLUSCAT.
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