Donald Trump just casually defended Kyle Rittenhouse, a white supremacist who murdered two people.

If you still support him, you are supporting THAT. THAT is who you are.

Please, please, please don't be that.

Cool. Lets pretend he's not.

He is still a murderer. You cool with that part? Cool with the president condoning murder?

That's who you are. Just know that on the inside. You are fine with murder.
Since it seems people need clarification, 1st, if you roll with white supremacists, you are one. If you don't find something wrong with people around you being white supremacists, you are one. If you don't actively try to combat the white supremacists around you, you are one.
2nd, that kid illegally armed himself and went to that protest to live out some sort of rambo fantasy. If you think 18 is old enough to serve in the military, 17 is old enough to know that you don't get to decide you're the law.
3rd, yes, Rittenhouse was being chased before he shot at people. Being chased does not justify lethal force.
4th, it may be hard to convict on a murder charge due to the legal burden of proof. We'll have to wait and see. OJ wasn't convicted either. It doesn't make him innocent.

He drove to that protest armed in anticipation of violence. When chased, he killed people. THAT IS NOT OKAY.
5th, it should not be difficult for the president of the United States to say "Vigilante violence is bad. Please don't kill people. Killing people is bad."

That is not asking too much.
6th, Trump is the same person who called for the death penalty for innocent black kids based on a coerced confession, and refused to apologize when they were found innocent. But he has no problem assuming self-defense here. He has no problem waving off violence from the right.
I was angry when I wrote my tweets. I let anger get the best of me. But I should be angry.

I should be angry that our president's answer to violence is more violence. I should be angry that America has not been made great. I should be really fucking angry. You should be, too.
I will crawl through broken glass petry dishes full of COVID to vote for Joe Biden in November. Because this? This rioting and killing and disease and chaos?

THIS is Trump's America.

And we deserve better.
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