“He who controls the sea controls everything” - Themistocles

Water Deities and their influence in political evolution a thread
1 - For many human civilisations around the world, lakes, rivers & the movement of water is closely linked to the history & evolution of human interaction across the planet. From the separation of country borders, travel, livelihood, sense of place & even religious beliefs
These embedded, reciprocal, and constitutive relationships between humans and the history behind the movement of water remain poorly understood, but is critically important in the assessment of the evolution of water & it’s ancient worship into common politic/ religious practices
Water is arguably the most critical substance for life on Earth: it is essential for the ecosystem’s health, and underpins the economies and lifeways of human populations around the world
As a result in the material reality of our world water is the life nourishing milk and blood of the earth and a key medium of the sustenance of life.
It is a key source in the movement of trade & communication between states, borders, countries & also a life source for the visible (land surface world) and invisible world (the depths of the ocean that remain unexplored).
In a sense the intimate relationship between human beings & water has an almost spiritual connective ecology. For instance a human being is 70% water & conquering the oceans has been a key part in the development of human history.
Many societies in the ancient world worshipped water. They would pray for rain to water their crops, & even pray to rivers & oceans for safe passage across the seas & good luck for their fishermen.
As humanity began to develop and follow the trails of rivers, lakes seas and finally ventured the oceans. The worship of water deities turned from just spiritual to physical - with frequent sitings by people across the world. Ships disappearing & reappearing in different places—
people disappearing from the face of the Earth in lakes, rivers & oceans, with the same phenomenon happening on a greater scale in the Bermuda & Dragon’s triangle with disappearances of boats, ships & even aircraft’s & passenger planes over these regions.
Regardless— human civilisations developed & continued to build their systems and politics around water and the movement of the seas. Evidence of this is seen in history, the most powerful nations were those that learnt to “manoeuvre” through the oceans.
Even today, humankind’s movement around this planet is based on learning to build technology that can travel across the ocean the quickest
It’s also been recorded that most human civilisations live near water & the most powerful nations in the world are in close proximity or completely surrounded by water. This is because it’s crucial for trade which boosts economic value.
Now that we’ve got all the facts out of the way let’s go into the influence of water spirits in politics & religion (bare in mind this will be purely based on conspiracies)
If you noticed almost every major political building in the world is surrounded by water:
(Washington monument, Statue of Liberty, House of Parliament, United Nations building)
Do you think this is a coincidence?
This is a classic example of worship to the sea, the beast of the ocean - I will go into detail why.
I mentioned earlier (in previous threads) that many scriptures mention a “beast” coming from the sea. The most prominent one being the Bible. It is written: a beast will “rise up out of the sea”
“the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast. And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast” what do you think is being said here?
Most scholars argue this verse refers to the government of the world worshiping the “beast” of the sea who was given its power to rule by the “dragon” aka Satan - the ancient serpent of old.
A lot of you may not know this, but just like God can give power & blessings. So can Satan over his followers. Where do you think they saying “devils luck” come from? The devil creates his luck - but it’s always at a price ( I can go into this another time)
Now let’s look into that, it’s obvious that some people on this planet worship Satan - but people don’t seem to understand the connection between Satan & the sea.
In the bible it’s obvious that almost everything that will destroy mankind will come from the sea. With plenty of other faiths referring to the sea as the “abyss”, where most of the most demonic and powerful entities are locked away until the end of time.
One example that everyone might recognise is the “leviathan” or “Kraken” - which is rumoured to come from the depths of the ocean.
Fun fact: we know more about the surface of the moon then we know about the ocean. Scientists are speculating the “hadal zone” - the deepest point known to man in the ocean can produce its own light - they are also speculating the pressure —
from this part of the sea is keeping gigantic and monstrous sea beings from being able to come to the surface
Now -back to the point, Let’s explore the idea of the “beast from the ocean” in abit more detail. In Africa (Nigeria & Congo) & parts of the Caribbean (to name a few), people have said that there is a very heavy presence of marine deities in there region and believe they have a —
strong connection with certain individuals, even those in government.
Most of these connections are from generation unfinished curses. Some people are even speculated to communicate with these spirits and are even appointed on the surface world (earth) by these beings to complete specific tasks.
In Nigeria they have named the spirits behind these forces “marine kingdom” a complex network of demonic water deities that often enchant & kidnap human beings.
Only for the victim to return knowing “black magic” or to find a marine spirit a “human form” so that they can walk amongst mankind freely capturing souls. There aim here is the destruction and corruption of man.
If you hear a strange singing in your dreams. Or see weird images in the reflection of your mirrors. Have intense sexual dreams. Or even if you’re alone washing the dishes or in the shower & feel the presence of someone watching you - that could be a malevolent marine spirit.
According to demonology these spirits want to inherit the earth - they feel it belongs to them, and their aim is the destruction of human kind.
How would this relate to Satan? You might think. If you study Satan - you will understand that he was not the ONLY “angel” to be throw out of heaven, he was cast out with a slew of other “fallen angels”
When these angels fell they hid amongst mankind and took various forms. With demons inhabiting the 4 heavens in the 3 dimensional world sea, earth, air & space.
Sea spirits are considered one of the oldest & most powerful demonic entities. With water being one of the oldest renewable elements in the universe. (Fun fact - approx 50% of earths water is older than the Solar system!)
With this in mind if the first most powerful demonic entities inherited the seas - it’s not a coincidence that the seas & oceans we know are powerfully haunted. Just think about the Bermuda & Dragons triangle. How many aircrafts/ ships mysteriously go missing. How many people —
mysteriously drown & go missing around water.
Ask anyone who is a good swimmer about an occasion where they almost drowned the story is almost always the same they felt like something was “dragging” or “pulling” them into the water — is all of this a coincidence?
Think about all the deaths that have happened in the ocean, all the unsettled spirits across thousands of years not laid to rest. The ocean, seas & rivers ... you are living on a planet where most of the waters are haunted —
& the world you know of today is built around it :
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