whats wrong with this clip? a thread, by a native american, explaining.
this clip shows george laughing at a clip of him when he was killing some villagers/mobs. he then makes a "olololo" noise with his mouth, which seems very similar to the spongebob 'victory screech' and/or war cries in general.
WHATS WRONG WITH THAT? — the victory screech is rooted in stereotypes of native culture and practices. doing the 'victory screech' is mocking our practices and culture. if its him doing a 'war cry' then hes directly mocking our culture and practices.
HOW DO U KNOW HE MEANT TO DO THAT? — i dont! but its eerily similar and it makes a lot of natives in dttwt in uneasy. i hope he didnt mean anything by it, and to him it was just him making random noises bc he was panicking or something of the sort, but i thought id take this
situation to help people educate themselves.
WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO CANCEL HIM? — im not. i dont know where you got that but i am not. educating ≠ cancelling, get it right.
WHY NOT CANCEL NICKALODEON INSTEAD OF GEORGE? — first, we arent cancelling anyone. second, nickalodeon is a million dollar company, 'cancelling' them is impossible.
HOW CAN WE HELP? — rt this and educate yourself!
ARENT YOU BEING DRAMATIC? — nope! we are just bringing light to a situation and trying to educate others with it.

please dont gaslight natives, our feelings are valid.
questions are okay! but please do dm me RESPECTFULLY if you do, i will probably have to mute this soon due to threats and such. i will ignore your dm if it isnt respectful.

DO NOT DOX ME OR OTHER NATIVES. we are MINORS, and thats a crime. if you dox anyone, u are a shit person.
please support us natives in our threads and such, and listen to us. also, to make sure its clear,

another thing, i know a lot of natives and others are mad bc dream (+ sapnap and george) got called out for doing this also, and george + sapnap didnt technically apologize? (dream apologized "on behalf" of them) but PLEASE give him the benefit of the doubt.

yes im calling him
out but its bc i want to educate him and others on his actions. yes he has been called out before but we dont know his intention or the why he did it either.

also, please please PLEASE dont send ANY hate or death threats bc of this. that would absolutely break my heart
and id feel terrible. please just let him address it.
ok yeah im muting this now so please dm me RESPECTFULLY is you have any questions and please continue to support natives!
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