Trump excels at taking control of the narrative, by getting people to look at violence in cities [that he created or incited] & blaming it on the Dems, so that people do not focus on the 185K dead from COVID, the 15M unemployed, along with a long list of his other failures.
Biden needs to take control of the narrative away from Trump by pointing out that Trump's inciting of violence and blaming the opposition are Russian tactics probably fed to him by Putin, the same person who helped him in '16. Putin has used precisely the same tactics in Russia.
Biden should take further control of the narrative by demanding that Trump explain to America why he kissed allowed Russia's Lavrov & Kislyak, along w/ allowing GRU agents posing as Russian media into the Oval Office w/o US media or intel present.
And while Trump is fumbling answers to those questions, Biden should take further control of the narrative by asking why Trump confessed in front of the world to believing Putin over US intel re: Russia's interference in the '16 election. He's a traitor and puppet. Pounce on it.
When Biden is done controlling the narrative on #TraitorTrump's Russian ties, pound him on 200K dead Americans from COVID & 15M unemployed. Rinse and repeat until Nov 3. Keep asking people, "Are you really better off than 4 years ago?" Go get 'em @JoeBiden, and don't let up.
Take control of the narrative away from Trump by providing a barrage of interviews w/ family members of COVID victims & people who have lost their jobs. Make it personal. These are real Americans. Help every American understand thoroughly the horror of @realDonaldTrump's failure.
In what other ways can @JoeBiden take control of the narrative away from Trump by highlighting his failures to improve the human condition in America? Police brutality/BLM? Detention cages? Separating immigrant families at border? Interviews w/ good cops on police reform?
BREAKING: Per @Maddow, Michael Schmidt, in his new book Trump v. US., Mueller did not investigate @realDonaldTrump being a Russian agent, because Rod Rosenstein requested that he focus on criminal activity.

What about the POTUS being a Russian agent is NOT criminal activity?
OK, when I started this thread, I had not heard Biden's "I want an America safe from 4 more years of Donald Trump." speech.

Awesomeness. Much more just like that, please. Hit @realDonaldTrump square between the eyes.
"More cops have died from COVID this year than have died on patrol." ~ @JoeBiden.

That's the way to take control of the narrative. Way to go, Joe! Hit him hard, and don't stop. He deserves it.
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