This has always been my shit but has turned even more into my shit in the last two weeks: elementary, middle and high school students should learn an uncensored and comprehensive history of K-12 American education *during* K-12 American education.
If this sounds too meta, too boutique, like: listen. Your kid will spend 18,000 hours in non-college school.

Eighteen. Thousand. Name me one other activity in human experience -- church, parenthood, politics, sex -- that we do for 18,000 hours happily without wondering why/how.
Everything we do in school -- good, bad, contradictory -- has a history and a purpose. I keep looking for any aspect that's 'just there' and I haven't found one.

Parents, students, and community members without children deserve the basic tools to discuss education properly.
I had to go through 23 years of schooling -- costing about $100k -- before I ever started to learn the tools to think critically about what we do in classrooms, why, how we used to do it and how we might later.

That's bananas. Why is "what we do all day" such niche knowledge?
(Crash Course History of Education would do a lot to change this country's relationship/politics when it comes to school.)
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