This story is about teachers quitting to keep their families safe from #COVID19, and I'm sharing it because the first story is from Missouri: 

But I want to be clear that millions of Americans are facing IMPOSSIBLE choices right now. 1/
I have #CrohnsDisease, an autoimmune disorder and take two medications that suppress my immune system. I'm SO tired of hearing that vulnerable people should just stay home.

Home 👏🏼 is 👏🏼 where 👏🏼 I've 👏🏼 been 👏🏼 since 👏🏼 March. 4/
Last month (OMG, was it only last month?), we seriously considered having my partner QUIT HER JOB because we didn't think she could stay safe in a cubicle farm when no one was required to wear a mask at their desk. 5/
Of course, the KS Dept. of Labor says that people who live with vulnerable individuals SHOULD be accommodated as if they're also high risk. And eventually, J was. But only after we pushed back. 6/
Teachers quitting right now is getting a lot of attention, as it should. These are people who are known for their dedication to their job, and when you walk away from teaching, you have to understand what you're walking away from. 7/
Teachers who quit are walking away from benefits (health insurance) in the middle of a pandemic, not to mention pensions. And since most teachers aren't also contributing to Social Security, all their retirement savings are at stake. 8/
I don't think my followers on here are the ones that really need to hear it, but just in case ... we are still in the middle of a pandemic. In fact, it's worse than it was in March when we seemed more willing to stay home to flatten the curve. 9/
All this to say ...

Just because you're allowed to do something doesn't mean it's safe.

Just because you're outside doesn't mean you're protected.

You want your kids in school, in person, five days a week? I do, too. 11/

But if you're frustrated that your district is starting the school year virtually but haven't canceled your big Labor Day weekend gathering? Well, I'm not sure what to tell you. 12/
I can't wait to get back to my regular life, either. But the longer we resist changing our behavior during this pandemic, the longer we'll all be living it.

And we'll force our friends and neighbors into impossible decisions that pit their livelihood against their health. 13/13
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