Lesbophobia in the exclusionist (and kind of overall lgbt) community: an eight point thread.
First, let me say this is not a callout post, but rather a discussion that needs to be had. Me and fellow lesbians have seen this, and, esp in the exclu community, it hurts. It would be appreciated if you read the whole thread.(example pics in the qrts)
points in the thread:
1.Comparing and equating terfs and political lesbianism to real lesbians
2.Policing what flag lesbians can use
3.Comparing and watering down lesbian issues with bi issues
4.Inserting all wlw into specifically lesbian spaces
5. Claiming that lesbian fetishization in porn is good representation
6. People getting angry with lesbians for saying sappho was a lesbian(matters because it's lesbian history erasure)
7. Making bi headcanons of lesbian characters
8.Cancelling every lesbian celebrity and holding lesbians to a higher standard
1. The stereotype that all lesbians are terfs is inaccurate and extremely hurtful, especially when most of us advocate for trans rights. Saying all terfs don't like dick is equating it to lesbianism, please don't do this.
1A. Political lesbianism is not real lesbianism. Don't equate the two, or insinuate we’re all political lesbians.
2. The pink lesbian flag has been reclaimed many times, and the orange one doesn’t align with our beliefs. The one with the lipstick mark is the terf flag, they are not the same. Don't tell a lesbian which flag she can use.
3. To compare lesbian issues to bi issues is wrong. I see so many people claim that “bi erasure is worse” and “lesbians always get to talk on their issues.”
3A. To say that our experience isn’t as bad as yours and that you’re tired of hearing about our issues is lesphobia. We used to be swept under the rug, and silenced when we were vocal about it. Don't do that again just because we can speak up about it now.
4. Lesbians and bi/pan girls have different experiences. To insert yourself into lesbian specific spaces isn’t okay. Commenting “what about bi girls!” “what about pan girls!” is doing so. We all need different and separate spaces sometimes.
4A. This is only about lesbian spaces, though. I do not mean sapphic or wlw labeled spaces.
5. To claim that lesbian fetishization is good rep is wrong. We get so little representation that isn’t porn or borderline porn.
6. Getting angry at lesbians for debating Sappho’s sexuality. This is important to us because we like to have historical representation, and taking that away from us is hurtful. Don’t say “it doesn’t matter” because to us it does.
7. Making bi headcanons of lesbian characters. As stated in the above point, we get little representation that isn't porn. Don't take canonically lesbian or coded lesbian characters away from us.
8. Cancelling every lesbian celebrity. Everyone holds lesbians, especially lesbian celebrities, to higher standards due to TERFs. Stop doing this. It’s harmful. We’re just like the rest of the lgbt community, we don’t need to be scrutinized for everything.
this is not an attack on bi girls, this is not an attack on anyone who says these things. a couple of other lesbians helped me work on this thread, and we’re all scared i’ll be called biphobic for this. if you have criticisms, please make them constructive.
Lesbophobia and misogyny hurts us more in the exclus community. We’re supposed to be a team, but we feel hated and left out. Listen to lesbians when we bring up issues that hurt us because so many people don't.(if you could share this it’d be great.)
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