TBSL Lyric Analysis; ~a thread~
WARNING: i’m a larrie and i’ll probably mention L at some point so if u don’t wanna see that don’t read this :)
also, i feel like this is obvious but this is all speculation and my own theories. nobody knows the real meaning of H’s songs other than him (and maybe those they’re written with/they’re about), so this is just a bit of fun and i’m not claiming to know any of this for a fact :)
to me, tbsl is H denying that this breakup is his fault, even if it was, and deflecting the blame. (if you’ve read my previous threads you’ll know i think the relationship ended due to H cheating)
‘Don’t blame me for falling, I was just a little boy’ - they were young when they first fell in love (makes sense that this would be about L)
‘Don’t blame the drunk caller, wasn’t ready for it all’ - this is a drunk phone call hes making, he wasn’t ready for such a serious relationship/situation at such a young age
‘You can’t blame me darling / not even a little bit, I was away’ - he’s refusing to admit it was his fault, thinks the other person is to blame for making him feel unwanted. If we stick with the cheating idea it was away’ may imply he was drunk (maybe because of something+
+the other person did, and that led him to cheat)
‘I’m just an arrogant son of a bitch / who can’t admit when he’s sorry’ - knows deep down it was his fault and that he should apologise but he’s too trapped in his pride (defenceless link? ‘i cant get inside when you’re trapped in your pride / but you don’t have a thing to+
+prove’ maybe L blames himself?)
‘Don’t call me “baby” again, you got your reasons’ - maybe this person is trying to rekindle the friendship/relationship for their own reasons, but H doesn’t want to (either from selfishness or fear)
‘I know you’re tryna be friends, i know you mean it’ - H knows they genuinely want to try to be friends, but he’s not ready
‘It’s hard for me to go home / Be so lonely’ - it’s hard for him to be lonely/without this person, but he won’t apologise so he has to bear it. ‘Home’ is now a bad thing because it makes him feel lonely/miss this person, when in his other songs (prior to tbsl) home is+
+good because it means going back to this person
‘I just hope you see me in a little better light’ - he wants this person to remember him as more than just his mistakes
‘Do you think it’s easy, being of the jealous kind?’ - possibly make the mistake that ended the relationship out of jealousy? (cheating due to feeling they were done with him and were moving on already?) OR he’s jealous that this person is fine without him
‘Cause i just miss the shape of your lips / You’ll win, it’s just a trick / And this is it, so i’m sorry’ - ‘i just miss’ could link to Cherry. he’s trying to convince himself that he only misses the physical parts of the relationship as opposed to actually being in love+
+ he knows that is he becomes friends with this person again he’ll fall for them again (‘youll win, it’s just a trick’) so he’s ending all communication with this call.
‘To be so lonely, to be so’ - repeats the line to emphasise his loneliness
~end of thread~
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