The Firehose of Lies is more than desperation. It paves the way for fascism.

The idea is to bombard people with lies so they give up and think the truth is unknowable.

Without shared factuality, rule of law is impossible.

The antidote: Stay grounded in truth. Wear raincoats.
They're not goofing. They know they'll get caught.

Most of GOP supporters won't care they lie. In fact, they embrace the lies because they want to destroy, and they know the lies destroy.

The brazen lies also frighten and demoralize the rest of us.
It's creepy. It's chilling. I think that's what this question is getting at⤵️

We know we're not up against a "normal" political opponent: It's an opponent willing to cheat and brazenly lie.

It's demoralizing . . .
. . . there's a temptation to give up and think, "How can we win against that? How can we win by playing fair against an opponent that cheats?"

That's why Trump does it.

Weren't there reports that he enjoyed knowing that he could get away with Hatch Act violations?
Yes ⤵️
On the bright side: I truly don't believe it will work in the United States in 2020. Enough people see it. Enough people are willing to crawl over glass to vote in November to get rid of this nightmare.
Agree. The part that is hard to grasp is that a certain segment of the population does not want democracy.

They prefer autocracy.

Even people who say they like democracy get frustrated and impatient with it.

Autocracy is streamlined . . .
There are all those cumbersome checks and balances.

Democracy is slow grinding work. If you don't believe it, run for local office and try to get something done.

People want a Strongman who can just sweep away the procedures and make things happen now.
Sometimes I get people in my mentions blaming Pelosi. "Why isn't she doing anything! Why hasn't she stopped Trump! Why is he still breaking laws?"

She can't "stop Trump" while he's being shielded by the Senate Republicans.

She has a lot of power, but it's sharply limited.
If you secretly indulge in the fantasy that someone can sweep in and put all the lawbreakers in jail you can understand why autocracy is so appealing.

The far right wing is driven by fear. They want a strongman to protect them. To understand them. . . .
. . .read Hofstader. He explains the paranoid style. They really believe that liberals and democrats are destroying America. They will resort to desperate measures to stop us.

They want a Strongman to destroy us.

If he has to tell a few lies along the way, they're fine with it.
It's not a bad idea to take a social media (or even news) break⤵️

Volunteering on a campaign is the perfect thing to do instead. You can work with likeminded people who can help keep you grounded.

You can ignore the latest outrage without guilt.
I agree. Gun ownership is not allowed in Putin's Russia, and wouldn't be allowed should the US tip into autocracy.

I don't believe they're thinking any farther than how to beat those scary and dangerous liberals.
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