I know a lot of people struggle with dealing and coming to terms with past trauma, and I’ve done so much healing in the last 6 months I really wanna share some secrets with you. Here’s some stuff that may help you, whether you are spiritually awake or not 💜
1. Meditate. Learn how to clear your headspace! This takes a lot of practise (took me at least 2/3 months to get the hang of it) but once you truly can empty your mind of all thoughts, intrusive or not, it really helps in distinguishing between the two.
2. Carry crystals! Whether you’re a believer or not, certain crystals carry a lot of healing power. I sleep with rose quartz, amethyst and obsidian in my night stand. If you can’t get all of them, rose quartz is definitely the best for healing emotional wounds!
3. Learn how to recognise your intuition. Learn your body’s signals that tell you to leave a situation, tell you when you need to heal something and prompt you in recognising your wounds. Always listen to your body. Your body gives you signals for a reason.
4. Practise unblocking your chakras! Chakra blockages often cause physical symptoms as well as emotional. You can unblock certain chakras using colour therapy, mantra work, dance, meditation, pretty much anything. Find what works for your body and master it.
5. GROUND YOURSELF!! This is so important especially when dealing with trauma. Your past experiences are housed in your root chakra, where your “inner child” lives. Grounding this chakra into the earth helps to heal and acts like a safety net. Grounding can be anything from
literally stomping your feet on the ground and chanting affirmations to using imagery of plant roots and the earth whilst meditating. Personally, when I need to ground myself I sit on the earth (actual earth not flooring) in bare feet and imagine I’m a tree. (Lol)
6. ACCEPT YOURSELF! Self acceptance is THE most important part of healing wounds from the last. Accept your flaws and allow them to be part of you. Self loathing itself is a wound, you cannot heal fully until this wound is healed first. AFFIRM IT. “I accept all parts of me”
7. Pls pls pls I beg of you even if you don’t give a fuck about spiritual awakenings recognise your inner child. This is very very tightly linked to Freudian theories about childhood and the subconscious. Your “inner child” is essentially where all past negative childhood
experiences and your trauma is housed in your subconscious. Being able to recognise this is SO important in healing it and changing your behaviour for the better. For example: “my partner is speaking to an attractive woman therefore I must throw a tantrum and confront him” can
turn into “my partner is speaking to an attractive woman and I feel like he might leave me. This is because of my attachment issues and fear of being left alone. I see this but I know I am safe.” See the difference? You can learn to recognise your wounds and gently turn them into
teachings. The part of you that is acting up is your inner child feeling threatened and unsafe. You need to baby it. Make sure it feels seen, heard and accepted. I promise you, this will make such a difference in how you interact with the world.
If you struggle understanding this, use mantras:
“I see you. I hear you. You are loved. You are safe. I accept you in your entirety and all your wounds. I heal you.”
You can follow @jediqueenie.
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