It has really bothered me today to see Jamaicans participate in all kinds of inflammatory conversation about descendants of people enslaved in the U.S. and what we encounter here. And I say that as someone who is a proud Jamaican American among other things.
Jamaica is a poor black nation that has been completely robbed and bamboozled by Britain, America, Japan, China, and others. 70% of the countries GDP is based on Jamaicans being in service of other people.
About 15% of Jamaica’s economy comes from remittances. From those of us in the Jamaican diaspora who send money and goods back to family. We are literally a significant portion of the entire nation’s economy.
Britain has robbed Jamaica of its resources like bauxite and alumina and tons of other shit. And even after Jamaica gained “independence” Britain’s heavy hand is obvious in so many aspects of Jamaican governance.
Just last month we we saw a ruling that sought to stop a black child from wearing their natural hair in dreads. That’s a remnant of British white supremacy.

The Jamaican government is largely fair skinned, privileged blacks. That’s a remnant too.
And Jamaican pageantry shows obviously how much Jamaicans still love the crown despite everything that that rotten ass family and country have done to Jamaica.
So for any Jamaican, be it on the island or anywhere else, to be using a legacy of slavery and oppression under white rule as an insult to black Americans who are descended from enslaved Africans is so disgusting and it says something about the delusion one has to have to do that
Britain has literally put Jamaica in a position where the nation has to be in service of other people, mostly white, in order to survive.

How could any Jamaican not see the role of British white supremacy in Jamaica’s economic standing?

I’m truly like what the fuck.
And all of this vitriol over Adele. A white woman.

To have all of this vitriol for other Black people but none for the white people that continue to rob you is you being the master’s tool.

It’s embarrassing and shameful. And people should get their shit together.
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