The reason why anti circles are so dangerous is because of this inherent belief that their ideology makes them automatically good and safe people. They can now harass and bully freely and hide predators/abusers because they've justified themselves through their taste in fiction.
Proship is a belief that people do not deserve to be harassed for their fictional tastes and that censorship is bad, but outside that you can be any kind of person because these stances should be treated as the *bare minimum* of respect you give other human beings.
When we start to assume someone who is proship is automatically a good + safe person, we are doing the same thing as antis: using a superficial label to define someone's entire character. This is the flawed framework that gives abusers/predators a space to claim they are safe.
That's also why I respect people in proship spaces who call out abusers/predators, and why antis are wrong to use "well there was an abuser in your space!" because predators can be everywhere. No space is inherently safe. The difference is anti beliefs inherently protect abusers.
Proship spaces should never be assumed to be automatically safe on principle of being proship. The only thing you are guaranteed is you have a right to enjoy fiction freely. Outside that, I notice a lot of proshippers often have conflicting views and their own micro communities.
I think it's important to remember that proship is an anti-harassment and anti-censorship stance. While there is a community tied to the label because a lot of us wanted to seek refuge away from anti-shippers, building an entire community off of such a broad starting point is
going to create problems, which is how you end up with people who are anti-censorship and sj advocates, vs. centrists who want freedom to be bigoted and pretend anti-censorship stances protect them, or people who try to apply proship logic to MAPs. All groups are very different.
I think it's important that people spend less time trying to find a group to tell them how to be and more time reflecting on their personal morals and being around people who reflect that. You should not assume that just because someone is proship that they are on your side.
I don't get along with every proshipper and it would be ridiculous to say I should just because we both think harassment and censorship is bad.
These stances should be a given and the barebones of respect you give another human being, not a thing that defines your entire person.
Not sure if I made sense here.
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