The Mega South America Thread

6 Years of South America in One


First off lets tackle the elephant in the room


How bad is it?

This is one of the things people exaggerate the most

I got mugged 4 times in the UK and never here

Here it is extremes, its very safe or very dangerous
Like in the USA you could be living in a safe city where people don't lock their doors

or a city where drive bys happen daily

Its about choosing the right place to live

In Uruguay its VERY safe, Rio De Janeiro? Not so much

You need to choose wisely

The first country I arrived in back in 2010 was Venezuela

- Amazing scenary
- Lakes, Mountains, sea, rivers EVERYTHING
- Stunning Women
- Great people

Today i don't recommend going

I hope this golden country returns to greatness

An unsafe country sadly ❌

I arrived in Uruguay back in 2014 the first time

- Very safe
- Small country
- Ok food
- Fantastic steak
- High cost of living for SA
- No tax on worldwide income

This is the country I call home its not the most fun but its an old school gem

Safe Country ✅

I have lived in Argentina for various stints and it is always fun

- Great value with the $
- Stunning Women
- Safe overall
- Amazing food, wine and steak

Argentina has issues politically but great other than that and its got a nightlife party culture

Safe Country ✅

I lived in Chile for 2 years (also tax free)

- Highly developed
- Very safe
- Sun and desert in the North
- Mountains and lakes in the South
- Great Salmon and veg
- Expensive for SA
- Tax free (for 2 years)
- Cheap rent

Safe country ✅

I have lived in Peru for varios stints and I love it

- VERY Cheap
- Great weather
- Good people
- Safe
- VERY good food

Anybody looking for a safe and cheap country to live Peru is definitely up there

Safe Country ✅

I have lived in Brazil for various stints and it is a very fun country

- Safe in the South
- Not so safe in the North
- Stunning Women
- Great food
- A large country with diversity
- Party culture
- Cheap cost of living

Safe in the South ✅

Unsafe in the North ❌
The Hottest Women

People always ask me this question and here you go

- Colombia
- Goiania Brazil
- Porto alegre/Florianopolis Brazil
- Buenos Aires
- The Border of Argentina/Paraguay
- Santiago de Chile (Women from all over)

Merry Christmas in August
Which Countries/Cities to live in?

For me I am quite a chilled guy I like to live a chilled old man in slippers life in Uruguay then Use Argentina and Brazil for fun

For Living

- Chile
- Uruguay
- Peru
Which Countries To Have Fun In?

- Brazil
- Argentina
- Colombia
- Paraguay

All fun
Here is how my year looks usually (not 2020!)

3 Months Colonia Uruguay - deep work
3 Months Montevideo

6 Months split up between Buenos Aires, Goiania and Florianopolis Baleario for fun
How Important is it to learn Spanish/Portuguese?

The bigger the city the less you need it

But it is a great plus and they are 2 very widely spoken languages so I suggest you learn
Is it all ghetto/favela?

One thing that makes me laugh is when people think South America is some ghetto with hot Women running around

Major cities are highly developed and put a lot of cities in the USA and the UK to shame

Things have changed
Is it just you that loves South America?

No my Dad moved out here 5 years ago and has not left

Something about

- Alpha culture
- Hot Women
- Real food
- Sun all year

Has made him stay

I am not sure what....
If you enjoyed this thread give it a like and let me know if there are questions you didn't get answered

mad respect
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