tw// sexual assault, sexism, torture? hypnosis
so from the middle ages to the mid 19th century (i think?) there was this thing called female hysteria that was considered enough for a woman to be put into a mental asylum or under hypnosis?? (thread)
i found this shit while in journalism after my mind wandered and it caught my attention. apparently if you were a woman with anxiety, fluid retention, heaviness in the abdomen (fat?), yk shit like that
tw// sex???
especially if you have sexual desire, loss of want for sex, or are forward (upfront about what you want?) during sex, then you were put in a mental hospital. from there they'd do some weird weird shit.
tw// hysterectomy?
so before i get into the wackadoo bullshit, i wanna point out that they would do actual fucking hysterectomies on these alleged hysterical women👁👁 which is caca
tw// sexual assault, torture, r*pe
in the victorian era of london, doctors would hypnotize, stimulate and in the middle ages they'd rape patients because they believed semen had medicinal properties. fucking disgusting, i know. & medical students in london would watch
in the middle ages they'd make women believe marriage and child bearing would cure their "devilish sickness" which on it's own makes me sick to my stomach at the thought and im so glad i didnt have to go through that, but i mourn the women in the past that did
tw// torture??
in 1860 they would use fire hoses on their gentitals to try and cure it, probably like the showerhead masturbation thing we joke about but with a lot of pressure. idk how fire hoses worked back then lol
did you know vibrators were a thing back then used for curing a woman's hysteria because i never would have fucking known that. idk why i made this thread but i thought it was interesting??
also when the suffragettes protests started popping up in london in the early 1900s they pointed the finger to hysteria (ah, of course) but those bad bitches reclaimed it for themsleves✨💫
uh anyway this was a cluster fuck but it was on my mind and i needed to get it out👁👁
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