Okay...hot takes before tonight's battle. Keep in mind that though I have my bias, I am a fan of both.

Brandy is a far better actress than she is a singer. She's so good in fact, that she's convinced y'all that her voice is stronger and better than Monica's.
"Never Say Never" is a classic album, but that's not because of Brandy's singing. It's due to the production, songwriting, and the mainstream appeal and fame Brandy gained from her acting roles. Think about when NSN came out, Moesha, Cinderella, and ISKWYDLS already dropped.
Unfortunately for Monica, what makes her a better singer is also what kept her from being as mainstream as Brandy--her powerhouse voice. In a time when R&B was blending w/ Pop, you needed someone whose voice was more "palatable" (to white folks), so...Brandy.
This is not to say that Brandy is a bad singer because she isn't. She's good. She just isn't this vocal Bible y'all swear she is.
If you remove Brandy's acting creds and compare the two based off music alone, Monica has had far more success and longevity as a singer than Brandy. For me, she can win on that.
Also, and this is where my bias comes out, Brandy could never "For You I Will," "So Gone," or "Everytime the Beat Drops."

However, Monica could sing the hell out of "Sittin' Up in My Room," "Missing U," and "Talk About Our Love."
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