TRIGGER WARNING: My ex made a thread about me and made me out to be a monstrous abusive villain who didn't do anything good. I know most of her followers won't see this but let me tell you my side of the story before you make a final judgement. (Screenshots included)
I have been suffer from OCD, OCPD, Depression and Anxiety which doesn't excuse everything I did and how pushy I was with her but it's definitely a big factor as to why I acted the way I did. I didn't always realize or understand how she felt or what she thought was okay and not.
First things first, I was definitely pushy in our relationship but I wasn't intentionally trying to manipulate her or hurt her. This wasn't some big abusive relationship where I just treated her like shit all the time.
I never laid a hand on her and I never forced her to do anything I wanted. Consent was always important and if she didn't consent to it, nothing happened.
I definitely did ask her about certain things too many times. The main topic was anal sex and was something I asked her for which she did say we could do and even got a buttplug for it. But turns out she didn't want to actually do it and it never happened. (Which is okay.)
My birthday in February and the she broke down crying when I asked her for it and left my house and I followed after her and tried calming her down and never asked her for it again.
I didn't have an extra account stalking her and none of my personal friends sent me the screenshot of her tweets but it was actually someone who followed her who sent me the tweets of her blasting me.
I didn't try manipulating her in the end and I actually just tried speaking to her and was just upset that she put me on blast when I thought everything was over and done with.
She broke up with me and tbh I'm glad she did because I really couldn't break up with her no matter how much I wanted because of my OCD issues. I feel horrible about everything and I really can't apologize enough.
A lot of the things she mentioned in her post were from earlier in our relationship. The last few months of our relationships I would rarely ask her for anything at all and she was very verbally abusive towards me and would name call and yell at me.
Which I guess is well deserved because of how pushy I was prior but I wish she just ended the relationship sooner rather than abuse me for the rest of it. Things got really rough for us.
I didn't realize I was being abusive and truly hurting her over things. I really am sorry to her and I wish things could've been different. This has been tormenting me since I seen her posts about things and how it was making her feel.
Around the last few months of our relationship Vicki was abusive towards me and would scream and yell at me a lot. She would make me question life and my own sanity. She would ignore me a lot and choose her friends over me. Which I think is justified to an extent.
After all this it resulted in me going to the hospital and getting admitted for almost a week due to how I was being treated and my own personal issues.
Once I got out of the hospital she told me that she couldn't see me because she wanted to stream Roblox despite her messaging me for days telling me how much she missed me and wished I was okay.
Our relationship had a lot of good times and there's many memories that I hold dear to my heart. It was all a learning experience and I'm sorry to Vicki and any hurt I made her feel.
I apologize to her for anything she did that she didn't want to do but said yes to it or did it for me because of how much she loved me. I was never trying to guilt trip her or make her feel upset. I did say I was sexually miserable because of how vanilla she is and I'm sorry for
saying that to her. Looking back on it, it wasn't a good choice of words and I regret ever saying that. Any time after half way into our relationship that I tried talking to her about important things or debates she would tell me to fuck off and push me away.
I really wanted to make our relationship better and I hoped to but she kept pushing me away. Like I said it was deserved and just because most of the things she mentioned were months in the past doesn't make them invalid. I understand that. But I really did try to improve.
This thread is really long and I have so much more to say, if you're interested just dm me and I can answer any questions or send you in context screenshots for anything I've said.
These were the screenshots that happened when I was freshed out of the hospital after getting the treatment and help I needed. I apologize for calling her a bad girlfriend but I was being treated this way for weeks.
The next screenshots are our final conversation:
This was our chat search when I looked up the word yell:
I'm not trying to say that I'm innocent. I was just trying to merely give my side of the story. I really was not trying to be abusive or make her upset. I apologize for everything and I won't ever contact her or try to justify my actions.
This relationship was abusive for both parties. I grew up in poverty and she would always shame me and judge me. She would shame my parents to and put us down all the time. She even once told me in a phone call that basically she was more important than me and I was worth less.
She told me that my parents didn't matter as much as me and that they were worth less. She apologized for all these things but they still affected me negatively and have bothered me ever since.
Lastly I'm sorry for how messy this thread is. I have been a mess but I'm really trying to improve and get healthier. I have been on meds and can think straight for the most part.
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