debunking all arguments about kanye being a bad person.

a thread.
“Harriet Tubman didn’t free slaves”

well she didn’t, black people were and somewhat still are enslaved to the system, African Americans moving to the north didn’t make them free they still had to face injustice.
“slavery was a choice”

he was talking about Mental Slavery but was put out of context by the media
Supporting Trump

Kanye Understood in order to make actual change you must form relationships with people in power

and with that connection he helped get his wife into the white office for prison reform and freed wrongfully incarcerated black men.

He also did that to show even though how much they preach for freedom a black man can’t think and express his/her thoughts out-loud without getting ridiculed.

(and Kanye even admitted you not voting)
tbh this just proves that the media is one of the most powerful weapons, they deadass brainwash you mfs 💀💀
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