I reiterate: my "Good Guy" camo thesis is RIGHT AGAIN, so I shall repost it. I agree: it's demoralizing to wear ugly camo that looks like absolute ASS, hence why the old school look is instantly more heroic, less industrial, less "evil empire"-like.

Prepare for a thread. https://twitter.com/king_krus/status/1300506832088248326
FIG 1: M81/Woodland

Whether it's an action movie hero, Delta Force guys in Panama, or below pic related, I get a weird have this weird sense of positivity and optimism when I see it used in old vintage pics of the army from the 80s/90s. Bonus for plain OD

Probably the best example of my theory. A dude in DCU/DBDU looks instantly more heroic and "good guy" than someone in UCP/OCP. Very clear and very obvious "good guy" or "absolute badass" look here, esp. when combined with some Olive Drab stuff here and there.
There is something about pre-GWOT U.S. camouflage patterns makes it a lot less "harsh" and "modern" and more down-to-earth, and less evil and industrial to me. Here are a few more images for emphasis
Compare this to OCP/UCP, just look at this futuristic shit bruh. What does this look more like to you: "evil empire America" or "good guy"?

Like I said, good drip equals positivity and good morale, ugly ass uniforms means you look plain evil or stupid
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