You can see all the decodes at  or youtube May have some they didn’t pull down at Blessed To Teach with Rick your host. Gene has been decoding the rescues and the Dumbs for two years but just now people are awake enough to understand the magnetite of what
Of what has been going on to save the children. You may have heard a little hear and there but now you know why our President is so dear to my heart as I’ve been fighting to save them even before Q came online. Going on 10 years for me and Gene has put in 30 years on his end.
God Bless Gene God Bless D John T God Bless our troops (17 countries military have assisted in the rescues worldwide) God Bless the Children God Bless this digital army and God Bless Humanity! @GenFlynn #savethechildren #GodWins
You can follow @DaniMcLaren2.
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